Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Painting the trousers

Here another update on the Celt. After Euro I started painting again. I'm still not finished blending the upper body of the figure but to do something different I started blocking in the highlights and shadows of the trousers. Now I have to blend everything nicely together what always is the most time consuming. The highlights are done with brown yellow and the shadows with cobalt blue and black. Here some pictures of the current status.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Euro Militaire 2010

Last weekend I went to Euro Militaire. It was my first Euro and it was the 25th anniversary of the event in Folkestone. We went by car and it took us about 7 hours to arrive at calais due to heavy traffic. Which would take us 4 and a half hour on a quiet day. On Saturday we went through the tunnel to Folkestone. When we arrived in Great Brittan I had to get used to drive on the left. We dropped of the luggage in the hotel and went to the show.

I brought 5 of my models for the competition. Because of the 25th anniversary they had a record of more than 1000 entries this year. And the quality of the figures was also very high. On Sundays breakfast in the hotel I unexpectedly met two dutch people I know from Eindhoven. Also some famous people like Jesus Gamarra and Marion and Allan Ball stayed in the same hotel. After breakfast we went to the show and when I entered the competition room I discovered surprisingly that I had won some medals. One Silver and Bronze en two highly commended and one commended.

You can imagine how the rest of my day was. I also ran into several people I only know from the forums, and it was great having a chat with them. For the rest I bought some useful stuff and made pictures of the models. I couldn't photograph all the entries, there where simply too many.

The Best of show of this year went to Chris Clayton with his dragon slayer a very big but beautiful creation and a well deserved winner.

The rest of the photos I took can be seen on the following link:


Thursday, September 16, 2010

More paintwork done

The last days I managed to get some more work done on the Celt. I did some corrections to the eyes and face and did some more blending on the upper torso. Still a bit of more work to do here. I also started painting his hair and moustache but I'm not completely satisfied with the final color. For the trousers I wanted something colorful and my wife came up with this base color. The next steps are adding the highlights and shadows. For the shield a green color was decided and some Celtic symbols will appear on the front. Hopefully I can show it in the next update.


Monday, September 13, 2010

Painting the Celt

I finished sculpting the Celt and I'm now busy getting the paintwork done. As always something has to happen and also this time. The figure fell on the table and the hand with axe broke off. So I had to remodel the hand and wrist and finshed the last details. After this the figure was primed and I started painting the face. First I applied two layers of brown sand and then I started applying the highlights and shadows. The next step was blending all the layers. The same has been done for the upper body but here I still have to do a lot of blending. Here are some pictures of the current status.
