Sunday, September 3, 2017

British Light Infantry 1814

I didn't dedicate much time to my blog lately due lack of time but I hope I can post more of my work the coming period. This figure I started sculpting some years ago and was part of a project which I started with Fernando Ruiz. But during time things got complicated and the project was not advancing for several reasons. I could not dedicate much time at sculpting due to my change of job and move to Spain. Fernando started his own figure company FER and is occupied ever since, not leaving him much time for other projects. So last year Fernando put me in contact with Alfonso Prado for painting the figures I sculpted. He gladly accepted the challenge and send him the figure at the end of last year. It is a 54mm figure sculpted using Magic Sculp and Duro. As you can see Alfonso did a terrific job painting this figure.The figure was painted in the colors of the Light Infantry Company, of the 104th "New Brunswick" Reg Of Foot 1814.

The figure was painted using acrylics. The paintwork on the trousers was done imitating a wool texture and the details painted on the upper part of the uniform are superb!! Below you can see the sculpted figure before painting, using several metal parts of other figures.

The next two pictures are in-progress pictures of the sculpting progress. The first picture the finished anatomy of the figure is shown and the second picture the trousers are fully sculpted.

More figures to come soon!!


Thursday, October 6, 2016

Creating the groundwork

I started creating the groundwork for the figure, and chose for scene with a wall with iron fence. The wall and fence were converted from Historex pieces and glued together. The cobblestones were fabricated with magic sculp. After drying of the glue and putty, the groundwork was first primed with a Vallejo grey primer before it was painted in grey and earth tones. The fence was covered with a black undercoat.

I also made some more progress with the paintwork on the figure. The blending on the jacket, and painted the buttons and white border were finished. Highlights and shadow were applied on the red vest and the painting of white shirt was also finished. The last part painted were the leather belts in brown tones trying to give it a bit weathered look.


Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Soldat de Plom 2016 is coming

On 21,22 and 23 of October the 21th edition of Soldat de Plom will be held again in Girona!

More information can be found on facebook or
Inscription are open and can be done here.

Prepare your figures and I hope to see you there!!


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Blending the jacket

Here a little update on the Mosso d'Equadra. I have spend some time on blended the highlights and shadows of the blue jacket. Furthermore I painted his hair and did some retouches on the face. Next I made a start with the groundwork which I will show in the next update. Now I will continue with the leather parts and add some more highlights on the vest.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Some more progress

In the new year I finally picked up my brushes again and managed to get some more work done on the Mosso. To get in the mood again I started retouching the face and did some more blending of the skin tones. I re-painted the hat with different black shades to get some warmer tones. Next I started adding the rough highlights and shadows on the jacket and started the blending process.

Next steps will be finishing the blending of the jacket, painting the hair and beard. And finishing the face by doing the last touch ups and painting the lips.


Thursday, November 5, 2015

Soldat de Plom 2015

This year the XX edition of the contest Soldat de Plom. Another great edition with many beautiful figures and several great painting and sculpting demonstrations. There were modelers from Italy, Portugal, France, Germany and Spain. It was great to see all the friends from all over europe here again. This year the contest was held at the same time as the festivities in Girona, so besides the figures there were enough things to visit too. On Saturday there were the demonstrations of Antonio Zapatero (sculpting a face in 30 minutes) and Alfonso Giraldes (painting). 

On Sunday there was another painting demonstration from the Big Child equip with Jose Palomares and Sergio Calvo. In the evening we had a good dinner with lots of food and some very funny activities for a good laugh. On Sunday there was the award ceremony and this year both of my kids were participating, my daughter for the first time. So I'm a very proud father.
Best of Show in the fantasy category was Toni Nieto Cano and in the History category Juan Carlos Avila. After the award ceremony the people picked up their pieces and another years show was finished. I had a great time and hope to see you all next year again!!
I made some pictures of the figures that were shown during the contest and you can find them in the link below. Additional information and pictures can also be found on El-Baluard Facebook page.

Pictures: Soldat de Plom 2015 pictures


Sunday, November 1, 2015

First brush strokes

I started to paint this figure and as usual I started with the face. Some blending was done on the left side of the face were the rightside of the face is still with the rough highlights and shadows. Furthermore I started painting the blue jacket, red vest and hat with a base color. I applied the first highlights on the hat but I don't like how it's turning out so I'm going to change the color scheme of the hat. Soon more!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Soldat de Plom 2015

The XXth International Contest of 'Soldat de Plom' will this year take place from 30th October till 1st November. We also will celebrate the XXXV Historical Miniatures Show that will held from 24th October until the first of November.

This year we will celebrate the millennium of the acquisition of the convent of St. Daniel by the Earls of Barcelona, Ramon Borrell and Ermessenda of Carcassona. This acquisition allowed the bishopric escape from the difficulties it was passing and finish the works of the Cathedral of Girona.

Follow this link and you will find the rules of the XX International Contest 'Soldat de Plom':

We look forward to seeing you at our Contest! Add it in your schedules!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Joseph Steck Finished

It's a long time I didn't post anything on my blog. Mainly due to the lack of time. And in the free time I find I rather try to sculp and paint. Well here are the final pictures of the Joseph Steck which I finished last year. The figure was almost completely sculpted by me except the face. It's a 54mm figure sculpted using Magic-sculp and Green stuff,  and it was painted with Vallejo acrylics.


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Soldat de Plom 2014

This year the XIX edition of Soldat de Plom was held again in Girona. The theme of this year was the war of 1714 fought in Barcelona, now 300 years ago. The figure for this year was sculpted by Antonio Zapatero and painted by Joan Masferrer.

My addition to the show of this year was the cantinera named Clara de Mas i Duran (1714), which was sculpted and painted by me.

On Friday evening just after work I went to the show which was held again in the church of Sant Lluc. It was great to meet all the Spanish, French, German and Italian friends who are coming almost every year. And this year I also was pleased to meet Pedro from Portugal who I know from planetfigure and my friend Dick from the Netherlands who I didn't see for over two years now. It was great to chat a bit in dutch again.

On Saturday and Sunday you could see the demonstrations of the masters in either painting, sculpting or building groundwork by Marc Masclans, Adriano Laruccia, Louis Dorio, Antonio Zapatero and Alfonso Prado.Where they were shared their techniques and tips, (thanks for the bag of resin Alfonso!). Furthermore you could spend your time to admire lots of great figures, a little less than other years probably due to the world expo which was held in Stresa this year. And during the rest of the days having a great time by chatting drinking and eating with my friends. 

On Sunday the show was closed as usual with the award ceremony. My son could pickup his second medal in junior class and I won this year a bronze in master open.
The best of show fantasy of this year went to Bruno Lavallée and the best of show historical went to the duo Antonio Meseguer y Gustavo Gil.

I was a great show and hopefully until next year!!!

Pictures of the event can be found here: Photos Soldat de Plom 2014
