I have made a little progress on the knight. The left side of the face (viewer right) is blended. The right eye still needs to be corrected and I have to blend the right side. Also I did some additional work on the chain mail. I applied more shadows with black and smoke and toned down the excessive highlights.
Here is the next update on my ADC sculpture. I started sculpting the trousers and the boots. I'm not total satified, still have to do some corrections. The next step will be the sculpting of the jacket. Here are the photos.
I have started a few new sculptures. And this is one of them. This will be a napoleonic figure, if everything turns out well it will be an Aide de Camp. It's a 54mm figure with a head used from Pegaso. The rest of the figure will be scratch build. Here are some first pictures of the pose.
Here are some pictures of the first brush strokes on the Templar Knight. The rough shadows and highlights are painted on the face. Now all the layers have to be blended. And also the eyes need to be corrected.
Here is one of the next figures I'm also working on. It's an 54mm English Standard Bearer from Pegaso. I started the basecoat already some months ago but yesterday I found some time to finished the face. Next step will be the painting of the coat.
Welcome to my blog! Here I will frequently post pictures on the current status of the projects I'm working on. I hope you enjoy this page and if you have some comments please leave a message or send me an email.